Prayer Request Form
Молитвенная просьба
Please describe and submit your prayer request for your relatives or friends who were affected by the war in Ukraine. If it's safe to do so, feel free to include name(s) for whom we can pray. Your prayer request may be displayed on the Prayer Board at church and online. (Пожалуйста, заполните форму ниже и опишите нужды ваших родственников или друзей, которые пострадали от войны в Украине. Если это безопасно, можете включить имя за кого молиться. Ваша просьба может быть размещенна на Молитвенной Доске в церкви или на этой страничке).
Prayer Board
Pray for the safety of refugees
Pray for the safety of Ukrainian refugees as they are making the journey across the border to neighboring countries. Pray for the refugees that arrived to our state and our church.
Pray for pastors and ministers
Pray that local pastors and ministers in Ukraine would proclaim the gospel to suffering people around them. Pray for their families.
Pray for humanitarian workers
Pray for Ruslan Yevdokimov and other humanitarian workers. Pray for their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs.
There is currently a need in more men to participate in the ministry to the Ukrainian refugees.
Thank God for the refugees who made it here
Take the time to thank for the people who were able to make it out of the war zone.
Thankful for the Gospel workers
Despite the difficult circumstances, God is on the move among many people who have been affected by the war. Many had the chance to hear the Gospel thanks to the faithful witness of the Christians who are serving in the conflict zone.
Thank God for the volunteers and missionaries
God has stirred up many people, including some from our church to minister to those in need, whether on the Ukrainian border or at home, helping refugees in need.